Life cycle of an employment relationship

Take part in the course and learn how to act in the right way in the different stages of the employment relationship.

Tapahtuman päivämäärä: 

23.05.2023  - 23.05.2023

Tapahtuman ajankohta: 

09:00 - 16:00


Hotel Mestari, Fredrikinkatu 51-53, Helsinki


Member's price 295 € + alv 24 %, normal price 485 € + alv 24 %


09 6220200 Anne Viitanen


Ilmoittaudu viimeistään: 

16.05.2023 00:00:00

An employment relationship can be long or short. However, the laws and regulations related to the employment relationship are the same. They accompany the employment relationship from its beginning to its end. Take part in the course and learn how to act in the right way in the different stages of the employment relationship.

During the course, the rights and obligations related to the basics of the employment relationship and everyday issues concerning the employment especially in workplaces that apply the collective agreement for hotel, restaurant and leisure industry will carefully be examined.

Main topics:
The goal is that the participants will after the course understand what the different forms of employment mean, what kind of rights does the employer's right to manage give, how tasks or working hours can be changed, how the working hours should be organized in accordance with the collective agreement and what kind of activities the employer can demand from the employee, for example, if the employee becomes ill. As part of the course, we will also briefly look at how to act if there are allegations of bullying or other problems related to the working community in the workplace. The course includes the basic concepts and actions related to entering into and terminating an employment relationship.

To whom:
The training is especially suitable for entrepreneurs, supervisors and those in charge of personnel matters who apply the collective agreement for hotel, restaurant and leisure industry in their work.

Labour Market Director Olli Varmo from the Finnish Hospitality Association MaRa