Legal aspects of employment - Course for employers and supervisors on the hotel, restaurant and leisure industry

An extensive information package for entrepreneurs and supervisors operating in the hotel, restaurant and leisure industry.

Tapahtuman päivämäärä: 

09.11.2023  - 09.11.2023

Tapahtuman ajankohta: 

09:00 - 16:00


MaRa's office Merimiehenkatu 29, Helsinki


Member's price 295 € + alv 24 %, normal price 485 € + alv 24 %, including morning coffee, lunch, afternoon coffee €


096220200 Heli Uusnäkki


Ilmoittaudu viimeistään: 

01.11.2023 23:00:00

The course offers an insight to the rules and regulations governing employment relationships. During the day we will discuss about employment contracts, the collective agreement and employment legislation on a practical level. The aim is that at the end of the day, the participants should be familiar with the basic rules governing employment relationships and are able to solve practical day-to-day problems they may encounter in their work.

The training is aimed for entrepreneurs, supervisors and persons responsible for human resources operating within the hotel, restaurant and leisure industry. The training is also most beneficial to persons transferring to such positions.

Main topics:

Legal Counsel Sami Nisametdin from the Finnish Hospitality Association MaRa

Location: MaRa's office Merimiehenkatu 29, Helsinki

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